Make the Greatest Academic Comeback & Secure a 90+ ATAR...GUARANTEED

(regardless of your current grades, subject selection and school that you attend)


"I became the DUX of Year 11!"

By using Luqman's study techniques I ranked 1st and became the DUX of my cohort! - Fatima A

No More Failing Exams and Being Confused on What to Do

I get it, I’ve been in your shoes and

know what it feels like to:

  • Have no idea how to study properly and feel lost on what you should be doing each day

  • Be constantly distracted and lack focus, motivation and discipline to get things done

  • Stressed out, anxious and fearful every single day

  • Get below average marks despite studying hard

  • And not having a clear step-by-step path to follow moving forward...

If this sounds like you, DUX Academy was created specifically for YOU


DUX Academy

DUX Academy is your step-by-step blueprint that covers EVERYTHING you need to make the greatest academic comeback and achieve a 95+ ATAR

- regardless of your circumstances.

Inside DUX Academy, you'll unlock your true potential by learning the hidden skills that your school and tutors fail to teach you.

This program will not only allow you to secure your goal ATAR and become DUX, but will also transform your life to become the best student you could possibly be.

What's inside DUX Academy?

Everything You Need to Go from being a low-performing student to scoring a 95+ ATAR...GUARANTEED

*Course Overview Below

Ultimate Guide to 95+ ATAR Course

This comprehensive online course will teach you all the crucial skills needed for achieving a 95+ ATAR - your school won't teach this stuff!

  • Foundations

  • Module 1: Mindset Training

  • Module 2: Goal-Setting

  • Module 3: Becoming a Top Student

  • Module 4: How to Destroy Procrastination

  • Module 5: Motivation & Discipline

  • Module 6: How to Study Effectively

  • Module 7: How to Get Ahead in Months of Content

  • Module 8: Exam Battle Mode

Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

Get access to weekly group coaching calls with me inside the DUX Academy community. There you can ask me any questions and I'll give you my 95+ ATAR advice LIVE.

No course is ever enough. Ask me any questions and you'll get expert support.

Daily Study With Me Sessions

Every day we'll have a productive 1 hour study session together so that you can get things done.

Subject-Specific Guides

Gain Access to Detailed Subject Guides teaching you Exactly how to Ace each Subject-Type

  • 99 ATAR tips and tricks

  • Advice and Guidance

  • Step-By-Step Process to Smashing Each Subject


Student Dashboard Template

Gain Access to Student Dashboard that allows you to:

  • Organise all your subjects

  • Take notes

  • Plan your week

  • Track all upcoming exams and assignments

  • Time your studies

  • Analyse exam performance

  • In-built Study Timer

Habit Tracker Template

Keep track of your habits on a daily basis using this exclusive template.

Progress Tracking, Personalised Support, Feedback & Accountability

You'll be receiving my personalised 95+ ATAR support and feedback on a regular basis to ensure you're on track and are completing the right things.

Additionally, you'll have access to worksheets and checklists that ensure you're completing the right steps - eliminating the question 'what should I do next?!'

You'll Also

Get Access To:


Exclusive Community

Surround yourself with like-minded ATAR students who are dedicated to achieving success. Inside of our private DUX Academy community, you'll meet fellow students who are on the same path as you are, where you can help each other with questions and challenges that come with the journey to a 95+ ATAR.

You're NOT alone on this journey - This exclusive community will be here to support you


Peak Productivity

Learn How to Master Yourself and Become a Productivity Machine so that You can Achieve 10X more than everyone else (in both life and school).



Boost Your Memory

Unlock Your Powerful Memory and Remember Everything and Anything. This Program will Not Only Help You in Life, but also in Remembering Your School Content.


DUX Academy Mobile App

Watch all programs and communicate with other like-minded ATAR students from wherever you want directly from your phone.

This is a no-brainer for any serious student wanting to succeed...


Ultimate Guide to a

95+ ATAR

This is a self-paced online course that will show you exactly how to make an academic comeback and go from D-student to A-student.

It will teach you all the skills that your own school does not teach, and it will be a complete A-Z guide to achieving your desired ATAR - whether that's an 80, 95 or 99.

This is the course I genuinely wished I had...and here it is for you:


✅Understanding the ATAR & Why It's Important

✅What is really takes to score a 95+ ATAR


✅The Hidden Keys to Success

✅Pitfalls you MUST avoid (and that 99% of students do)

Module 1: Mindset Training

Unlock Your True Potential by Destroying Your Limiting Beliefs and Developing a Strong Growth Mindset

✅The Importance of Your Mindset

✅Mindsets Needed for Academic Success

✅Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

✅Full Step-by-Step Mindset Reprogramming Guide

✅ How to Overcome Failure & Bounce Back Stronger

Module 2: Goal-Setting

Learn How to Effectively Set Goals that Fuel Your Inner Drive and Automatically Force You To Study

✅Introduction to Goal-Setting

✅How to Set Goals Like a DUX Student


✅Overcoming the Challenges with Goal-Setting

✅How to Actually Stick to Your Goals

Module 3: Becoming a Top Student

Discover How to Become a Top Student by Breaking Bad Habits and Forming Good ones

✅The Power of Habits

✅ Guide to Building Good Habits & Breaking Bad Ones

✅7 Habits of Highly Successful ATAR Students

✅The 95+ ATAR Daily Routine

✅How to Stay Hyper-Focused in this Distracted World

Module 4: Destroying Procrastination

Understand How to FINALLY Destroy Procrastination Once and for All

✅The Proven Steps to Beating Procrastination

✅The Reward-Hack Loop

✅The Anti-Procrastination Philosophy

Module 5: Motivation & Discipline

Develop Unlimited Study Motivation and Become Extremely Disciplined so You Can Get Things Done Regardless of How you Feel

✅How to Develop Unlimited Study Motivation

✅How to Build Extreme Discipline

✅How to Become Truly Unstoppable and Destroy Your Competition

Module 6: How to Study Effectively

Learn the 95+ ATAR Secrets to Studying Effectively so that You can Smash Your Exams (and get more done in less time)

✅The High Grades Equation

✅Poor Grades Diagnosis - Why You Do Bad in Exams

✅The Cure for Poor Grades

✅Levels of Learning

✅6 Study Lies You MUST Stop Believing In to Succeed

✅How to Effectively Take Notes - Without Wasting Your Time

✅How to Read Your Textbook - And Absorb it Like a Sponge

✅Study Planning Masterclass

✅How to Practice Past Paper Exams Effectively

✅The Ultimate DUX Study System

✅Subject-Specific Tips

✅How to cram effectively (if necessary!)

✅Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Module 7: How to Get Ahead

Learn the Secrets to Getting Ahead in MONTHS of Content so that You Gain that Competitive Edge and Annihilate Your Competitors

✅The Power of Getting Ahead

✅How to Catch Up and Avoid Falling Behind

✅The Simple System to Getting Ahead of Everyone

Module 8: Exam Battle Mode

Learn Straight-A Techniques and Strategies that Will Optimise Your Performance on Exam Day and Reduce Your Fear, Anxiety and Stress

✅4-6 Weeks Before Your Exam

✅1 Week Before Your Exam

✅The Day Before Your Exam

✅Overcoming Exam Stress, Fear and Anxiety

✅On the Day of Your Exam

✅Exam Tactics

✅Post-Exam Routine

Downloadable Resources & Assignments

For each Module, You'll be Provided with Downloadable Resources to Use and Apply all the Lessons You've Learned - making your life 10X easier


Hey, I'm Luqman

I used to be a D-student...

Since the start of year 7, I was always a bad student...

I never studied, never cared and I just played games all day.

I hated the idea of being a productive person. I would instead waste time watching Netflix the day before my final exams.

From year 7 till 10, I had barely passed and failed every assessment task that I did - and my parents were extremely disappointed with me.

In fact, it wasn't just my own school wanted me to drop out. - it seemed that I had no hope of success.

However, at the start of year 11 I had a light-bulb moment.

I decided that if I wanted to have a fulfilling career and get into a good university studying whatever I wanted to... I was going to need to put in my 120% effort to succeed.

It was a bumpy road. Many people doubted me. I had a lot of reasons to give up. I had a lot of failures.

But nevertheless, I put in my blood, sweat and tears to achieving my goal of a 95 ATAR.

Then I made the Greatest Academic Comeback Ever - Against All Odds!

Despite being a D student all my life,

Despite attending a 300+ ranked public school,

And despite having all odds stacked against me,

I went from being a lazy procrastinator to achieving:

✅97.90 ATAR

✅DUX of the 2022 Cohort

✅Scholarship to study at one of Australia's top Universities (UNSW)

✅ Straight A's in ALL subjects (band 6)

You can achieve the same success as I did...anyone can.

You just need someone to guide you on the right track.

You need a mentor to show you exactly what you need to be doing so that you don't burnout and make significant mistakes.

And that's what I am here to do!

aRE YOU READY TO FINALLY stop being average and make your parents proud?

You Right Now

  • Fixed Mindset with Limiting Beliefs.

  • No clear direction and goals

  • Bad habits that hold you back

  • Scrolling on your phone all day

  • No motivation and discipline

  • Can't focus during your studies

  • Have NO IDEA how to study properly

  • Stressed out, anxious and fearful

  • Confused about everything

  • Not consistent

  • Failing or getting average exam results

You After DUX Academy

  • Growth Mindset & Strong Self-Image

  • Clear direction with ambitious goals

  • Productive habits that make you ahead of 99% of others

  • Laser-like focus

  • Unlimited Study Motivation & Discipline

  • Know how to effectively study & get more done in less time

  • Confident that you'll succeed and achieve your goals

  • Consistently grinding everyday

  • Smashing every exam and becoming the DUX of your cohort

Let the Students Speak

Not only did this work for me, but it works for other students who are in your position


"I went from getting 45% in my exams to 95% after just a

single month!"

After a year of tutoring, I was getting 45% in my exams. But after a single month of DUX Academy my marks shot up to 95%!



"From a 49% in my first SAC to an 80% in my recent one"

After a coaching call with Luqman I did everything he advised and I literally went from a 49% to a 80% in my SAC!

- Fatima S


"This is SOO helpful I wish I could explain"

The weekly coaching calls ALONE make DUX Academy so worth it!

- Tamara


"I'm a much better student now"

After completing the course I've become a much better student. Before, I used to cram and waste time all day not being productive; now, I actually put in the work and smashing my exams!

- Navid


"From 63% to 83% after a couple of weeks"

By using your study technique I was able to score a 83% in business after having scored 63% in my first one.

(this was only a couple of weeks after joining)

Now, I'm gunning it for a 93%!

I look forward to continuing with the course



"I can't imagine where I'd be right now without your guidance"

I never knew there was such a structured process to studying, it's actually crazy. Before watching module 6, I didn't know how to study effectively at all. You've made my life so much easier!

I can't imagine where I'd be right now without your guidance. Knowing myself, I probably would have given up long ago.

It's not just module 6...all your modules have taught me a lot. I truly appreciate your help!

- Halima

How it works

Apply Today and Make Your Academic Comeback

Step 1

Book Your Discovery Call

Click 'Apply Now' to see if you qualify and schedule your discovery call. I'll make sure you're a good fit and show your more about DUX Academy

Step 2

1:1 strategy session with Luqman to Set You Up for Success

Have a 1-on-1 with Luqman to set you up for success

Step 3

Guarantee an Academic Comeback & Your Desired ATAR...

Instant access to the courses, community and coaches. Most students see a ridiculous increase in their grades in just a few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why join DUX Academy? Isn't tutoring better?

Tutors are great, but the truth is, they don't unlock your true potential as a student - they only help with a specific subject.

Tutors do not teach you how to study, how to stay focused, disciplined...and all the other skills required to make an academic comeback - they teach the what...not the how .

You tell me - if you're struggling to, for example, stay disciplined and study effectively each day... how will getting a tutor help you?

It won't.

DUX Academy will not just help you achieve your desired ATAR, but it will also set you up for University and BEYOND!

Is this just for year 11 and 12's?


DUX Academy is for any serious student from year 7-12 wanting to level up and dominate their life & academics.

Is this just for HSC students?


DUX Academy is for any ATAR student - VCE, QCE, WACE, TASC, etc

Do I need to be studying specific subjects to do well?

No matter what subjects you've chosen and you're studying...DUX Academy will allow you to dominate all your exams. When you learn how to study effectively, that valuable skill can be applied to all subjects!

You're One Step Away From Learning The Proven Way to Achieving a 90+ ATAR...


Book a call with me now to see if I am able to help you.

What are you waiting for?


1. Stay Average and go back to scrolling on

TikTok for 10 hours a day

2. Join DUX Academy today and make the GREATEST academic comeback ever

Which one will you choose?

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